Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Alicia Chen "Norms for repeated generous actions in social relationships"10/03/2023 12:00 pm10/03/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,3189
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkColloquium on the Brain and Cognition with David Freedman, PhD, University of Chicago10/12/2023 4:00 pm10/12/2023 5:00 pmBuilding 46,46-3002, Singleton Auditorium (Third Floor)
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Moshe Poliak "Everyday Language Comprehension Relies on Expectations Regarding Both Structure and Meaning" & Mitchell Ostrow "Comparing the Temporal Structure of Computation in Neural Circuits with Dynamical Similarity Analysis10/17/2023 12:00 pm10/17/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,3189
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Yudi Xie "Sensory representation mismatch explains working memory capacity limitation" & Thomas Clark "Computationally Characterizing Communication under Constraint in Aphasia"10/24/2023 12:00 pm10/24/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,3189
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Aryan Zoroufi "Find the Orange: How rich and precise is visual perception for action?" & Ced Zhang "Models of meaning and models of thinking"10/31/2023 12:00 pm10/31/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,3189