Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkHalie Olson Thesis Defense: Development of language in the minds and brains of children04/03/2023 2:00 pm04/03/2023 2:00 pm,
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkAging Brain Seminar with Kenneth Kosik, MD, "The Knotty Problem of Neurofibrillary Tangles"04/04/2023 4:00 pm04/04/2023 5:00 pmBuilding 46,Picower Seminar Room (46-3310, 3rd floor of MIT Building 46)
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkArdem Patapoutian Units of Life Seminar Series - at Broad Institute04/04/2023 4:00 pm04/04/2023 5:00 pm415M-Auditorium, Broad Institute,
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkQuest | CBMM Seminar Series - Discussion panel on Transformers vs. Humans: The ultimate battle for general intelligence 04/04/2023 4:00 pm04/04/2023 4:00 pmSingleton Auditorium,46-3002
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Colloquium Series: The Social Origins of Language and Thought04/05/2023 4:00 pm04/05/2023 5:00 pm46-3002,46-3002, Singleton Auditorium
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkElizabeth Brija Thesis Defense: Stochastic RNA editing of the Complexin C-terminus within single neurons regulates neurotransmitter release in Drosophila04/11/2023 9:00 am04/11/2023 9:00 amPicower Seminar Room,46-3310
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkQuest | CBMM Seminar Series - Eleanor Jack Gibson: A Life in Science04/11/2023 4:00 pm04/11/2023 4:00 pmSingleton Auditorium,46-3002
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkJon Gauthier Thesis Defense: Multi-level models of language comprehension in the mind and brain04/12/2023 12:00 pm04/12/2023 12:00 pm,Simons Center Conference Room, 46-6011
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_York“Just Atoms and Molecules? Or Something More?” Screening and discussion of Searching: Our Quest for Meaning in the Age of Science04/12/2023 5:00 pm04/12/2023 7:00 pmBuilding 10, 250,
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkDimitra Vardalaki Thesis Defense: Functional and ultrastructural investigation of mouse and human dendritic spines04/13/2023 11:00 am04/13/2023 11:00 amMIT, Picower Seminar Room,46-3310
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkJennifer Hu Thesis Defense: Neural language models and human linguistic knowledge04/14/2023 2:00 pm04/14/2023 2:00 pmMIT, McGovern Seminar Room,46-3189
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkFrancisco Garcia Thesis Defense: Molecular Profiling and Mechanisms of Cerebrovascular Function in Health and Neurodegeneration04/14/2023 2:00 pm04/14/2023 2:00 pmSingleton Auditorium,46-3002
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Shari Liu "Violations of physical and psychological expectations in the adult human brain"04/18/2023 12:00 pm04/18/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,Singleton Auditorium
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Colloquium Series: Rett syndrome: Are we on a path to a disease modifying treatment?04/19/2023 4:00 pm04/19/2023 5:00 pm46-3002,46-3002, Singleton Auditorium
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkTeuber Lecture: Colloquium on the Brain and Cognition with Adrienne Fairhall04/20/2023 4:00 pm04/20/2023 6:00 pmBuilding 46,Singleton
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkJungsoo Kim Thesis Defense: The Flexible Mind of a Worm: the atlas of brain-wide representations of behavior in C. elegans04/24/2023 12:00 pm04/24/2023 12:00 pmMIT, McGovern Seminar,46-3189
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCog Lunch: Hause Lin "Shifting attention to accuracy reduces misinformation sharing: Evidence from computational modeling and field experiments"04/25/2023 12:00 pm04/25/2023 1:00 pmBuilding 46,Singleton Auditorium
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkCBMM | Quest Seminar Series: Characterizing complex meaning in the human brain04/25/2023 4:00 pm04/25/2023 4:00 pmSingleton Auditorium,46-3002
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkColloquium on the Brain and Cognition with Elena Gracheva, PhD, "Cellular, Molecular, and Physiological Adaptations of Hibernation"04/27/2023 4:00 pm04/27/2023 5:00 pmBuilding 46,46-3002, Singleton Auditorium (Third Floor)
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Lunch Series: Conversation in the brain04/28/2023 12:00 pm04/28/2023 1:00 pmSimons Center Conference Room 46-6011,46-6011
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkJunyi Chu Thesis Defense: Goals, Play, and Cognitive Pragmatism: A study of flexible human minds04/28/2023 2:00 pm04/28/2023 2:00 pmSingleton Auditorium,46-3005