SCSB Colloquium Series with Dr. Yang Zhou: A Role of ASD-associated CHD8 in Reactive Gliosis and Neuroinflammation in the Adult Brain
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Location: 46-3002 (Singleton Auditorium)
Speaker: Yang Zhou, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Host: Dr. Robert Desimone
Talk title: A Role of ASD-associated CHD8 in Reactive Gliosis and Neuroinflammation in the Adult Brain
Abstract: Mutation of genes encoding synaptic proteins and chromatin remodeling factors represents two categories of risk genes for ASD and neurodevelopmental disorders. Understanding gene function and modeling diseases with relevant mutations constitute substantial tasks in fundamental neuroscience. While encouraging progress has been made in deciphering synaptic gene mutation and modeling associated NDDs, there remains much to do and learn about chromatin remodeling factors. In this talk, I would like to share our study on the function and mechanisms of an ASD-associated chromatin factor (CHD8) in gliosis and neuroinflammation. Given that excessive reactive gliosis and neuroinflammation are hallmark features in neurodegeneration and brain injury. I will introduce ongoing efforts and discuss the potential of targeting CHD8 for alleviating neuroinflammation and brain pathophysiology in experimental models of neurological disorders.