Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS)
Rising Star Seminar Series with Carmen Amo Alonso
The Rising Stars Award in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) is awarded to 3 postdoctoral scholars per year. Recipients are awarded based on their outstanding research accomplishments and their extraordinary potential to succeed as independent research faculty. This award also aims to enhance diversity and representation in the brain and cognitive sciences. Awardees receive a cash prize and are invited to present their research in the BCS Colloquium Series.
Title: TBD
Speaker: Carmeen Amo Alonso
Bio: TBD
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89002014229?pwd=bzZuZGh6cVhOSjJ6TlNZVHgrRnNaQT09
Followed by a reception with food and drink