Picower Institute Fall Symposium: Internal States of the Brain
This conference will be held virtually. Please click here for more information and to register.
Please (virtually!) join us for The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory's Fall 2020 Symposium, Internal States of the Brain, on October 6, 2020 from 9:00am - 5:45pm.
As animals navigate their environments, their nervous systems transition between a wide range of internal states that influence how sensory information is processed and how behaviors are generated. These states can be detected in virtually all animals, but the neural mechanisms that govern their generation remain poorly understood. The 2020 Picower Fall Symposium brings together a group of speakers who are tackling this problem using many different approaches.
David Anderson
California Institute of Technology
Richard Axel
Columbia University
Mario de Bono
IST Austria
Susan Dymecki
Harvard Medical School
Ila Fiete
MIT McGovern Institute
Steven Flavell
MIT Picower Institute
Eve Marder
Brandeis University
Mala Murthy
Princeton University
Mario Penzo
National Institute of Mental Health
Amita Sehgal
University of Pennsylvania
Bill Schafer
MRC LMB, Cambridge