Astrocytes contribute to motor learning, neuronal correlations and movement encoding by motor cortex neurons
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Picower Plastic Lunch with the Sur Lab
Speaker: Chloe Delepine
Astrocytes contribute to motor learning, neuronal correlations and movement encoding by motor cortex neurons
Abstract: While motor cortex is crucial for learning precise and reliable movements, whether and how astrocytes contribute to its plasticity and function during motor learning is unknown. Here we report that primary motor cortex (M1) astrocytes in mice show in vivo plasticity during learning of a lever push task, as revealed by transcriptomic and functional modifications, particularly changes in expression of glutamate transporter genes and increased coincidence of microdomain calcium events. Astrocyte-specific manipulations of M1 are sufficient to alter motor learning and execution, and neuronal population coding, in the same task. Specifically, mice expressing decreased levels of the astrocyte glutamate transporter GLT1 show impaired and variable movement trajectories. Mice with increased astrocyte Gq signaling show decreased performance rates, delayed response times and impaired trajectories, along with abnormally high levels of GLT1. In both groups of mice, M1 neurons have altered inter-neuronal correlations and impaired population representations of task parameters, including response time and movement trajectories. Thus, astrocytes have a specific role in coordinating M1 neuronal activity during motor learning, and control learned movement execution and dexterity through mechanisms that include fine regulation of glutamate transport.