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A recent study from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research shows how interests can modulate language processing in children’s brains and paves the way for personalized brain research. The paper, which appears in Imaging Neuroscience, was conducted in the lab of BCS professor and McGovern Institute investigator John Gabrieli, and led by senior author Anila D’Mello, a recent McGovern postdoc.
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Emery N. Brown was awarded the National Medal of Science and Feng Zhang was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation in a ceremony at the White House Jan. 3. These prizes are considered the highest recognitions bestowed for scientific and technological achievement in the United States.
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People struggling with their mental health are more likely to browse negative content online, and in turn, that negative content makes their symptoms worse, according to a series of studies by researchers at MIT. The group behind the research has developed a web plug-in tool to help those looking to protect their mental health make more informed decisions about the content they view.